I don't know about you, but I absolutly love being a baby and the act of having a mummy or nanny treat me this way, is the sublime act of release from adulthood to babyhoood.

Mummy Mac
Mummy is a sweet generous woman that cares deeply about me and shows everyday, even when we have a language or other problem her love and caring. Mummy is running the nursery and will do her best to see that you are looked after in a way that will keep you wanting more and wishing you could stay this way forever. Mummy isn't worried about taking you our for a visit to the shops or a walk in the park or a visit to a water park. The main thing mummy cares about is your happines and enjoyment as a baby.
She will wrap you up in a clean nappy, give you a sweet scented baby bath, dress you in pretty baby clothes and give you plenty of bottles of milk and baby food in the hight chair.

The High Chair
When bABy in tired, mummy will put you down in the cot to sleep or if you are a tiny baby then mummy will put you into the cradle and rock you to sleep while you hug your teddy and fall asleep hugging your favourite teddy bear or dolly.
Then when you wake up mummy will gently feed you a bottle of milk and then change your nappy/diaper and get you ready for any adventure you have decided to do. Mummy will put you into the playpen for awhile while she is cleaning your nappy's/diapers and cleans the nursery.

The playpen
As you can see mummy has all the equipment and we are adding more as we go. We intend to buy the best stroller I have seen at a good price. Mummy wants bABy's to enjoy every minute of there stay. Getting into total state of babyhood and forgetting you are an adult. This to us is very important. What is most important is to tell us what you want from your visit so we can tailor it to your dream.

The Cot
Mummy has a cradle so you can be rocked to sleep. This is an authentic cradle that was made for bABy Bunnykins and he loves sleeping in it and being rocked to sleep. Now it is your turn to be hushed to sleep and dream sweet baby dreams in the cradle.
So wish I could afford to visit & have fun w/ everyone too
comme vous j'aime me faire laver les fesses et le zizi pommadé et poudré mettre une couche en tissus et une culotte plastique a pression
can the session be hosted at my service apartment
J'aimerai me faire langer par une maman laver les fesse poudrer et mettre une couche en tissus et une culotte en plastique a pressions bisous a toutes la famille ABDL
cant wait to come in february
I have a craving,urge to be humiliated in public. Dressed in the sillyest frillyest,little gurl adult baby clothes. This will be a huge challenge for me,but a drug that i craveand need. I am sure that it will be a challenge for Nanny too,for which i am willing to pay, But i am not rich so i'l start saving my money
I am a female adult baby girl and I am still looking for mommy for a daddy, uncle or educator who will be loving, but also very strict if necessary, who will take care of me and take care of me, i.e. put my pacifier and bottle in thick diapers, give me my bedtime , speak possibly in the cot, fixed me when changing the diaper if necessary to smear my pussy better thick with Penaten cream …. And and and , would you be interested ?
Wow I will save my money
to go and be your sissy baby
in clothe and plastic panties!