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The Boy becomes a bABy

Writer's picture: bABy BunnykinsbABy Bunnykins

Part 1

Life can be cruel to the unborn child but not so wicked until it comes to the time to be born into the world.

When that day came Mother Nature had dealt me a cruel blow. My mother had not wanted a baby so didn’t have much love for me, the hospital was negligent in the delivery damaging my pituitary gland which had the effect of stunting my growth to where I stood no more than 29 inches tall. I was fostered out many times but the foster parents didn’t want to have a permanent baby so I was constantly being sent back to the children’s home. I never had a settled life which caused me to be very timid.

On my 16th birthday I had no choice but to leave the children’s home and find my own way in life. This wasn’t going to be easy due to my height and abilities, but the staff at the home were very kind and sad to see me leaving. I was given the government payment of £30 to get me housed and as I was walking out the staff came up to say goodbye and one of the nurses came up to me and handed me bundle. Here this is for you to help you, it contains some clothes for you.

When I turned sixteen it was time for me to leave the center and all the staff were actually sad to see me leave. I was given the statutory £30 the government provided and as I was walking out of the Matron’s office One of the nurses walked to me with a bundle in her hands and said ‘We have all clubbed in and here are some clothes for you and handing me an envelope said we have all chipped in and there is just over £80 in there for you. I looked around and even the matron was there smiling. I gathered up my bundle, envelope and £30 and was about to leave with tears flowing down my cheeks when Matron said ‘Oh, and Terry as autumn is approaching we bought you this’, handing me a thick overcoat. I was totally overwhelmed with the love and kindness shown me and the staff all had tears in their eyes as I said my goodbyes and moved to leave.

The children’s home arranged a taxi to the town where I started my search for a B&B so that I had somewhere to sleep for the night. After having to prove I was old enough to rent the room, I was allowed in and settled down.

I now had to find a job so that I could continue to pay the rent and not end up sleeping on the street thus I found myself at the local job center. There were many jobs available but most were not suitable to me due to my size but after talking to the staff I was found a position as a laborers’ job which I took.

The job was hard work and after a few weeks my hands were developing calluses, blisters and deep cracks and it was obvious to my employer that I couldn’t stay on at the job, so I was given my week’s pay plus 2 week’s severance pay. This left me in deep trouble as I needed to work to pay my rent and buy food.

My next stop was the local Job Centre where I actually managed to get a laboring job and thought this will help pay for food and accommodation for a few weeks at least. This lead to me again having daily visits to the Job Centre once more and unbeknown to me I was being observed by a utility trucked parked across the road every day during my visits. What was interesting but unknown to me was that the driver was on a mission and I was that mission. After he had seen me for a few days visiting the Job Centre he reported to his boss and said ‘Madam, I think I have found the baby you so dearly wish.

Ingrid Watson was delighted when Robert her farm manager informed her and decided that she would go with Robert to see me for herself.

And the next day Robert drove Ingrid to town where she waited for me. As I turned the corner on to the street where the Job centre was Robert quickly pointed me out and Ingrid said “I just have to have that little baby, employ him tomorrow”. Robert drove his boss Ingrid home asking “will the nursery be ready or is there anything else you need doing?” Ingrid replied. “Keep him in the bulb sheds for a few days, and work him hard to make him tired,” “I need to finish decorating the nursery.” Robert then asked “Is there anything more fabricating to be done?” to which Ingrid replied “yes, safety gates for nursery, upper and lower levels of the stairs and one for the kitchen too.” “Also, I want the rails on the cot and playpen raised by another foot.”

Then and there my destiny was determined for me and my fate sealed without any knowledge myself. The next morning following my normal ritual I arrived at the Job centre to look for a job, Robert had already told the staff at the centre that he wanted Robert to employ me and as I waited for my turn, I was called to the counter.

The lady asked for my name and then informed me that she had found a job for me and that I should go to a farm where they were waiting to interview me. She then gave me a bus pass and sent me on my way with a slip for introduction. Unbeknown to me they were already waiting for my arrival.

I caught the bus on the High Street and as it wound out of town into the countryside, I wondered what the job would be.

After about ½ an hour the driver of the bus announced to me that we were at the farm and I should get off. I thanked him and with help from a lady got down from the bus.

Looking across the road, I spotted a man waving at me and after making sure it was safe to cross the road ran over to talk with him.

“Hi, I’m Robert the farm manager, are you Terry?” Already knowing the answer he smiled. “Have you ever worked on a farm?” I replied looking up at him as I had to with even a four year old child “what work can you offer me on a farm?” “Can you sort potatoes’ he asked?” “I replied, ‘show me how and I will do them.” No more to do we walked to farm gate where his utility was waiting. He lifted me in and put my belt on saying it would be easier this way, then we drove off to the farm house some distance from the gate. He explained to me, the farm was owned by a very wealthy lady and is about 2,000 acres, mixed farming, i.e. agriculture, horticulture and livestock, but I would be working in the potato shed in the horticulture section. When we arrived he stopped in front of this very imposing stone built farmhouse, came around my side of the vehicle which was actually passenger side rear seat (I am too small by law to sit in the front of a vehicle) undid my seat belt and lifted me out. He told me I needed to see the owner to get registered on the employment book. We entered the house and I was introduced to this very imposing lady, who appeared smiling at me and said “So, you are Terry the new potato sorter are you?” I replied “I hope so Ma’am.” She looked at Robert with a big smile and said “do you think she whoops he will manage?” Robert replied “I am sure he will but take a look at his hands, I think we will need to get him some rubber gloves or he will get a severe bulb rash.” Mrs. Ingrid then opened my hands and said “good god how did that happen?” I explained to her about my previous position on a building site and how my hands had become injured and the manager had become very concerned and decided for my own good to dismiss me for my own safety.

With a look of concern Mrs. Ingrid went to a cupboard and produced a plastic package and handed it to me. “Please wear these while sorting the potatoes.” I noticed that they were pink marigold gloves. I thanked her and took them.

Having signed on to work at the farm, I was offered accommodation in the farm staff quarters, which I gladly accepted as it was a long way to come every day from the town and then the walk from the road to the sheds. There was a small fee which would be taken from my wages and I was extremely grateful for this and thanked Mrs. Ingrid before being shown to my room where I would stay. This made me feel a little safer although I worried that this job like the previous job would only last a couple of weeks but I would be able to save some of my money. She then with a broad smile told Robert to take me to the staff quarters and show me my bed, and after asking me if I had eaten to which I replied ‘no’ told him to find me a meal. I thanked her very much for the kindness she had shown me and she said ‘worry not sweetheart, you will earn it’. Ba

Robert then told me to follow him to the bunkhouse where he pointed to a bed saying ‘that will be yours’. It was in the quieter part of the room but a look around showed me I would be the only occupant. The room had all the basic requirements of beds, lockers for personal items, table and chairs and an old fashioned potbellied stove for heat. I was then shown where the coal and logs for the stove were and was told I could get it going if I wished. When I looked how high the door latch was I envisaged wrapping a blanket around myself for warmth. Robert then told me as he was leaving he would be back soon with a meal for me and to get settled in. I didn’t take many minutes to put my few possessions away and when Robert returned with a meal for me I was sat huddled in my blanket. He looked and said ‘I told you; you can fire the stove up if you wished to’. I looked at him and told him I cannot reach the door latch. He put the tray with my meal on it on the table and said he would arrange something for me and disappeared for a few minutes. When he returned he was carrying a bucket and said he would fill it with coal for me and put some logs near the stove to make it easier for me. Also he noticed upon his return how I had to stand or kneel on the chair at the table to eat my meal. ‘This isn’t very good’ he said. ‘I will see what can be sorted to help you’. He then left. After my meal I moved the chair from the table to the washstand where I first washed my plate and cutlery, then had a strip wash myself (I had no hope of getting into the bath). I then decided I would have an early night in bed so I could be up really early to show some enthusiasm to my boss. I slept well in the big bed and was up bright and early the following morning. As I was standing on the chair having a wash Mrs. Ingrid walked in and saw me. She looked and said to me ‘Robert told me last night of your problems reaching things so to make things a little easier for you I want you to come over to the kitchen and dine with the regular staff’. I thanked her very much and asked what time I should be there whereupon she replied ‘about 6 am for breakfast and when you are cleaned up after work for your evening meal’. So it was after washing and dressing I walked over to the kitchen where it was lovely and warm thanks to the old fashioned farmhouse cooking range being alight and said to the chef ‘Mrs. Ingrid told me to come here for breakfast’. He replied, ‘yes, I was informed, go sit at the table it will be ready in a few minutes’. I went to the seat the chef pointed to (I assumed each member of staff have their own seating position) climbed on to it and was kneeling on the chair when the chef bought the meal to me. He just looked at me and said ‘you can’t possibly dine like that’ and left only to return with some cushions which he put on the chair and then lifted me up. I told him I did not feel safe like this and asked if he would let me sit on the floor with my breakfast. He put me down and passed my breakfast to me telling me this situation would have to be sorted one way or another as sitting on the floor to eat was both unhygienic and unhealthy and he would not have it in his kitchen. It was while I was eating that Mrs. Ingrid came in and saw me saying ‘what is the meaning of this chef?’ He then explained all that had happened saying I felt unsafe on the stack of cushions, and, that he too was not happy about the present setup. Mrs. Ingrid then hummed and looking at me said ‘we will sort something before this day is out’. It was about ten minutes after I had finished my breakfast that Robert arrived asking me if I was ready for work, I replied ‘yes’. We went out to his truck, he lifted me in and buckled my seatbelt, then climbed in himself and we were off then to the bulb sheds. Once we arrived he showed me a high padded stool he had arranged for me, also a box to allow me to climb up to it, then after showing me what I had to do basically he left me to get on with the job. As I filled the buckets with bulbs a kind lady working next to me would put them on a palette behind me stacking them in fives so the shed foreman would see and give me a token to show how many I had completed, she also told me to put a few less bulbs in each bucket as I was overfilling them. It was a fun job, although a busy one as the people I was working with were kind, chatty and very helpful. When it was lunch time the lady next to me showed me where to go to eat the packed lunch chef had given me and to my surprise there was a high stool at the table for me. My work friend (the lady) lifted me up gasping with surprise at how light I was and sat me on the stool. I remember thinking this would be a solution to eating at the regular table in the kitchen for my main meals. I also noticed on the table there was a large tea pot and several cups/mugs near it. It was explained to me that the boss (Mrs. Ingrid) provided all hot drinks for her workers. So Molly (the lady working next to me) reached over and filled two ‘cups’ after first asking if I could manage a mug (ha ha) and passed one to me. With lunch break over we returned to our work and the happy atmosphere continued but I did notice my hands were getting a little sore. However I carried on knowing I could wash them clean at the end of work and just put it down to the cracks and sores I already had on my hands. It was around six fifteen when Robert arrived to take me back to the bunkhouse and enquired how I had got on. I told him I had met some very nice and helpful people to which he simply replied ‘good’. When we got back to the main house Robert told me to hurry up and get cleaned up as chef was waiting to serve staff’s evening meal and they had decided to wait for me so we could all sit down together which I thought was wonderful. I dashed (for me it was a dash) into the bunkhouse and quickly washed and changed my clothes then made my way to the kitchen. I had to knock on the door for someone to open it for me and when I walked in there was Chef (Charlie), Mrs. Ingrid and another lady who was introduced to me as Cherie the housekeeper. Mrs. Ingrid then said to me ‘Terry we have found a solution to your dining problem’ and pointed to a ‘special’ chair at the table.

Initially it just looked similar to the high stools I had been using but a closer look showed me it was decorated with bouncing lambs, teddy bears and other nursery characters. Chef picked me up and sat me in it, he then proceeded to fasten a safety strap which he pulled between my legs and fastened back to the chair around my waist. At this point I began to struggle as I realised this was a ‘baby’s high chair’. But before I could do anything he had the tray in place and locked in position. Mrs. Ingrid then pointed out to me that in this chair I would be able to eat my meal in comfort AND be able to see and chat to Chef and Cherie. I could not argue with the logic behind this move but I did feel embarrassed sitting there and especially knowing I could not get out by myself. Chef then served me my dinner, a nice casserole but everything was cut up small and I only had a spoon and fork. When I mentioned this Cherie said ‘that is my idea after watching you struggle with your breakfast and the difficulty you had not just using but even holding the knife.’ I could not argue the point as I had struggled and was now having difficulty holding the spoon too. Cheri spotted this and moved her plate next to my chair and said ‘let me help you’.

At this tears formed, I felt so helpless and embarrassed. Cherie then said ‘Look at your hands and now look at mine, do you see a difference?’ So I sat in the high chair allowing her to feed me.

I have to confess that the first time in several months I was getting a good meal and pain free. Just a bruised ego.

Mrs. Ingrid arrived during the meal (she had already dined) and saw me, and said ‘Now, isn’t this more comfy and sociable Terry?’ and I had to confess it was true. She also said I could have the little room annexed to the kitchen instead of going all the way back to the barn.

I didn’t know what to say for this kindness, for now my heating problems were solved too. I just stammered a thank you as Cherie took a cloth and cleaned my face.

Then surprisingly she said ‘would you like a drink?’ to which I replied ‘yes please’. She disappeared for a moment and when she returned holding a baby’s Sippy cup in her hand. I said ‘I cannot drink from that’. ‘OK’ she replied, sorry I just thought with your hands it would be easier, just a moment’. She then put the drink in a mug. I finished up spilling a lot of it because of my poor grip thus proving Cherie’s point.

I was in tears again and both Cherie and Charlie came over and told me to calm down.

Cherie then took a cloth, cleaned me and refilled the Sippy cup and said ‘now relax and enjoy’. I still felt foolish drinking from a baby’s cup, but, at least I was getting ALL the drink and not spilling any.

I thanked Cherie for the thought and she smiled and said ‘that’s alright pet, but tomorrow we will have to put a bib on you to keep your clothes clean’.

I looked aghast at her but realised she was making sense and with her spoon feeding me I would be clean all day. Lunchtime sandwiches do not stain clothing usually.

Once both Chef and Cherie had finished clearing away, Cherie turned to me and said ‘Terry, when was the last time you had a ‘proper’ bath?’ and I explained being so tiny I usually have a strip wash as I cannot manage a bath.

‘Ok’ was her reply, ‘but tonight you have a proper one’. I immediately panicked and said to her ‘How?’ She replied ‘I will give you one’. I screamed ‘Nooooooo, I am not a baby.’ To which she replied ‘I never meant you were but wouldn’t you like to lay and have a nice long soak in warm water?’

How could I argue as it was one of the things I cherished while in the care centre and so I had to agree with her?

‘So!’ Cherie said ‘sit there then and I will run you a nice warm bath’ (as if I had a choice).

When she returned she took me from the high chair and carried me to the bathroom (which is embarrassing enough) but once in there proceeded to strip me.

When I objected she simply said ‘and how do you plan to get in the bath and what if something happens?’

Again I could not argue.

Cherie gave me a wonderful bath, the water not only felt silky but smelled wonderful and I was drifting into a dream only a child dreams.

At this point Mrs. Ingrid entered and said to Cherie ‘Careful with the little one’s hands dear’. I tried to sink beneath the water but Cherie was holding me across my back supporting me.

Mrs. Ingrid then turned to me and said ‘feeling better sweetheart?’ I nodded a yes; finding myself unable to speak with embarrassment.

After Mrs. Ingrid left, Cherie lifted me from the bath tub and wrapped me in a large fluffy towel and dried me saying ‘now, doesn’t that feel a whole lot better?’ Again I had no choice but to agree, I not only felt wonderful but smelled cleaner than I had for a long time. Although I never had a bad odor but this bath was more thorough than a strip wash.

Still wrapped in the towel Cherie carried me from the bathroom to my new bedroom and said ‘now sweet either get dressed or get ready for bed’. Then, upon leaving she switched on a television then handed me the remote control telling me not to stop up too late as it was an early start again in the morning.

I hadn’t felt this wonderful since leaving the centre where the staff tried their hardest to give me the best, but, of course budgets and facilities limit things. However the staff always tried to treat me as best as they could.

I decided to get ready for bed and slept perhaps the most wonderful sleep I had ever had. The perfumes around me reminded me of something long ago but I could not recall them.

I was awoken the following morning by Robert saying ‘Come on Terry you are late, get dressed and ready for work’.

I dashed about, got dressed, grabbed my little packed lunch and followed Robert. Once again he lifted me into the truck and fastened the belt and we set off for the bulb sheds.

When I arrived at my stool Molly was already busy and said ‘you are a little late dear’ I replied ‘I know but I had such a wonderful bath last night I was totally relaxed and did not want to wake up’.

‘Have you had breakfast?’ she asked, I replied ‘No, never had time I was late getting up’.

She reached into her apron pocket and said, ‘eat this’ and gave me a chocolate bar.

I removed my rubber glove and tried to break the chocolate squares off but could not and when Molly saw my hands she called the shed foreman over and showed him.

Bulb rash had got a bite and my hands were now red raw as well as all the other problems.

The foreman took out his cell phone, rang Robert and told him the situation.

Having done that he then took me off the line and into the restroom and told me to wait.

Robert arrived some twenty minutes later to find me sitting on the floor in floods of tears.

He came over, lifted me up and tried to calm me down and all I could do was scream this is another job I cannot manage.

He held me close to his chest as one would a baby and cuddled me. I felt all the passion from the centre once more but this time a bit more too. I did not know Robert was a father and was used to children and their tantrums. This time however he realised it was a little more, I was in physical and mental pain.

No more to do, he took out his mobile phone, rang the big house and asked Mrs. Ingrid to fetch me and when she asked why he could not drive me he explained my condition plus he had to go to one of the other farms urgently.

Robert cuddled me for what must have been forty minutes, gently rocking me in his mighty arms and all the time speaking gently to calm me.

When Mrs., Ingrid arrived and saw Robert gently rocking me in his arms talking baby talk to me she knew she was about to win and get her baby daughter but a few more steps were required.

Mrs. Ingrid said to Robert ‘there is a carrycot in the car, strap her/him into that and I will take her/him home and get her calmed’.

Robert strapped me into the carrycot asking Mrs. Ingrid if she would manage alright to which she replied ‘with this little feather, of course I will’.

She drove back to the ‘Big House’ and upon arrival told Charlie to get me out of the car and Cherie to run a ‘special’ bath for me.

After the bath Mrs. Ingrid had me put into a bed in a spare room and I was told to just rest, everything would be alright.

Again I felt and smelled wonderful and very quickly drifted off to sleep.

The following morning I awoke and dashed in a panic as it was already light and I was late for work. I dashed around trying to find my clothes and get out of the room, but the door knob was a statutory four feet from floor and I could not reach it so I commenced banging on the door

Eventually Mrs. Ingrid came and opened the door asking what all the noise was about and I said ‘I cannot find my clothes and I am late for work’.

She then informed me in light of what had happened the previous day I would not be working there anymore.

Instantly I began to cry again knowing I had lost yet another job and said to Mrs. Ingrid ‘I will take anything you owe me and leave then’.

I knew this was the end of a few weeks dream.

Mrs. Ingrid then said to me ‘Where will you go?’ I replied ‘I have no idea’.

She replied, ‘I have a proposition for you and you will have to hear me out fully, sign some papers and do exactly as you are told. In return you will be fed, clothed, bathed and dressed in the finest clothes I make. You will also be expected to do this 24/7 as long as it takes to complete the contract’. She also explained I would get the finest medical care her private medical insurance allowed for to get my hands better and also make me feel happier in my new life.

I asked her for more details and she said once I had signed the papers I would fully understand.

However she did say that she designed and manufactured baby’s clothes as a sideline and if I was willing she would pay me to model them for a special catalogue she wanted to produce. She also explained the clothes were very upmarket and limited editions which would make me very special if I wore them for her.

She also explained because of my hands it could be many months before she could arrange for pictures but in the meantime I could grow accustomed to the clothes AND the way of life. She explained how important it was that I should act and live the part quite naturally but never explained further.

When I asked how long I could expect to keep this job (expecting only a few weeks) she replied ‘Well if you are good enough it could be years’. I replied ‘and I get all found too?’ to which she replied with a grin ‘Oh yes dear, ALL found’.

What I did not know was that the ill-fitting gloves that allowed me to get bulb rash, the high chair, the soft food, the bath, allowing me to lie in were all arranged to soften me towards the destiny Mrs. Ingrid had planned for me. Panic and kindness were working well.

As I was still naked Mrs. Ingrid told Cherie who had by now arrived on the scene wondering what the commotion was to get a towel and wrap it around me. When she got the towel, a really thick fluffy one she wrapped it about me but not at the waist as a man would, she pulled it up under my arms as a girl would. She then lifted me up, carried me to the kitchen saying it was warmer in there and strapped me into my high chair once again. Once the tray was secured in place she went and got me a Sippy cup of warm sweet milk. However it tasted a little different to milk with sugar in, then Cherie explained it was sweetened with honey from the farms own bee hives. I drank it down and really enjoyed it. Cherie’s next job would have been to make up Mrs. Ingrid’s breakfast tray and take it to her in her dining room. However before she could take it Mrs. Ingrid arrived in the kitchen and said she would dine there this morning explaining she wanted to keep an eye on her ‘little one’ and then when everyone was finished dining it would be chat time. At this point I once again became anxious not knowing what was about to happen. Charlie the chef came over to my highchair carrying a bowl which had some instant porridge in it. This is a totally lump free form of porridge and easily digested. However I noticed there was no spoon with which to eat it and was about to mention this when Mrs. Ingrid picked a plastic one up. She was also carrying a pink and white bib with her which she proceeded to tie around my neck. When I said I do not need a bib she just shushed me, sat beside me and began to feed me as Cherie had done the day before. Once I was finished eating I noticed some of the porridge had found its way on to the bib. I was stunned by this and felt ashamed. Mrs. Ingrid simply said ‘Just as well we put it on you dear’. She then asked Cherie to pass me my Sippy cup with warm milk to me while she herself had her breakfast. Once she was sat down about to dine, Charlie and Cherie also sat and had their breakfasts too, only they all had a full English breakfast making me feel hungry. However when I asked about mine Mrs. Ingrid shushed me and told me to carry on with my bottle. I thought this strange as it was a Sippy cup and put it down to a simple error. I was quite wrong. It was intentional and designed to break down a psychological barrier concerning the forthcoming chat. Once everyone had finished dining and had their cups of tea Mrs. Ingrid actually helped Cheri and Charlie clear away the breakfast dishes then had everyone sit at the table. I felt a little out of place still in my highchair while everyone else sat quite naturally at the table. Mrs.’ Ingrid then began to speak to everyone at first then directly to me. She reminded Cheri and Charlie what it was she desired of me then turned to me and said. ‘Now dear, I have a proposition for you that will mean you never having to do manual labor ever again and never get those pretty little hands in that state again’. I looked at her in a puzzled manner wondering what she could be planning. She then explained in detail how she had been watching me for quite some time and decided I would be perfect for her. She also told me she had been in contact with the care centre once she found out about it and they had told her I was still legally a minor but rules being as they were I had to be released from care. She also explained how she had had me watched while I was working on the building site and being a person of some influence in the community had, at the right time had me dismissed so she could employ me and keep a closer watch on me which brings us to the present day. ‘This brings me to the proposition I have for you. I want you to remember this could and hopefully will be a lifetime commitment by all of us here’. I was about to ask her what it entailed when she placed her long finger gently on my lips saying, ‘little one, I need you to listen to me very carefully and to all the details before saying anything. ‘Firstly let me tell you I have made a lot of enquiries about you and know you are an orphan so I approached your old care centre and enquired about adopting you. They think it is a great idea and will finally give you a long term home and family which you have never had before; so, you will have security for the future but I will have full jurisdiction over you and have full power of attorney. So, that is the first part of my proposition I have for you, to legally adopt you as my own child’. She took a brief pause here to allow that information to be absorbed. ‘Next’ she said ‘I will have your name changed legally so you become a dependent and can inherit from me; this will also allow me to have your name put on my Private Medical Insurance thus giving you the finest medical treatment and allow us to get those little hands healed’. Again that pause to allow me to think again. This was becoming overwhelming and my head was beginning to spin. ‘Next, as I told you yesterday I design and make baby girls clothes and you will make a perfect model for them. However it would mean you living as my little baby daughter to enable you to completely feel the part for the clothes and we would have to wait for those little hands to heal before we can begin taking pictures. That time will allow you to adjust to your new life’. She also pointed out that I would never have to worry about finding work, accommodation food etc. ever again. Also the bullying I suffered would stop as everyone would be around to protect and care for me. When I asked what she meant by being her baby daughter she said ‘it would be for the best all round and as she had explained would allow me to be in character for the pictures and would mean lots of people fussing over me’. Then she said ‘I know it is a lot to take in so I will give you a little while to think about it and if you agree we will complete all the paperwork and get it to my solicitor for notarization and he can proceed with the legalities of the adoption and name change’. With that she got up and left the room. Charlie went to start preparing lunch while Cherie remained with me telling me what a wonderful opportunity and I would never have to struggle in the big world ever again. She told me I would have a family and lots of people that would love me. She spent about twenty minutes talking and trying to convince me to go ahead and do this. I spent many minutes pondering this and said ‘what if I don’t like it?’ to which Cherie replied, ’Just give it time and see what happens’. I looked at her and saw in her face she was sincere and being honest with me and so said to her ‘OK I will do it’. ‘Wonderful’, she said, I will go tell madam and let you two finalise everything. She will be over the moon with delight’. With that she left to fetch Mrs. Ingrid and in what seemed a flash Mrs. Ingrid entered the kitchen carrying a large brown envelope. When she opened it she withdrew a lot of legal looking documents which she said I needed to sign to make everything legal and official. She then described each one before I signed and the one with my name change she glossed over it quickly saying my name would be change to Terri Ingrid quickly glossing over the feminization of my Christian name. Once all the papers were signed she had Charlie and Cherie witness them then replaced them in the envelope and telephoned Robert telling him he had an urgent job in town for him and to come to the big house straight away. He arrived about twenty minutes later and Mrs. Ingrid handed him the envelope instructing him to take it to her solicitor to be processed immediately and he was to get a receipt too. She then turned to Cherie told her to take me to my ‘new’ room, bathe me and dress me but only in basics as she was going to ring her doctor and get her to come and give me a medical check over and start treating my hands. Cherie released me from the highchair, picked me up and carried me upstairs to a room with a porcelain cameo on the door labelling the room as ‘The Nursery’. When she opened the door I was amazed at what I saw. It was a complete baby girl’s nursery with cot, changing table (complete with attached baby bath), chests of drawers, wardrobes etc. There was also a playpen filled with cuddly toys and assorted baby toys. It was decorated in delicate pastel pinks and whites with the furniture coloured to match. Carrying me in Cherie said ‘right, firstly a bath to make you smell nice and baby girlish’. She then removed the towel that was wrapped about me, laid me on the changing table and placed a strap over my chest which she secured under the table. This was she said to stop me falling and hurting myself; after all the table was four feet off the floor and quite a long fall for me.

She then filled the baby bath at the end of the table and placed me into it. Firstly she bathed me using only Johnson’s baby soap and so the aromas began. The bath was followed by my hair being washed with No More Tears baby shampoo which not only made my hair feel wonderful but reinforced the smell of ‘baby’. While this was happening Mrs. Ingrid had telephoned the farms fitter and told him to drop what he was doing, get to the big house and hang the safety gates immediately. She rang her doctor asking her to come as soon as possible. The fitter arrived in a matter of minutes and smiling said ‘you have your little girl then madam’. ‘Yes’ was the reply ‘and now we have to look after ‘her’’. Having finished bathing me Cherie once again strapped me to the changing table while she prepared several items for me. She opened a large tub of cream and began spreading it over my bottom and around my genitals (such as they are) explaining it was to stop nappy rash. This she followed with copious amounts of baby powder.

When I asked why I needed the cream she explained I would be living in nappies all the time and would have to use them hence the protection.

When I said I did not want to wear them she reminded me I agreed and signed to be madams ‘baby’ daughter and babies wear and use nappies. As hard as I objected, Cherie took out two nappies. One she folded kite style while the other she folded into a rectangle for a soaker. She then took both of my ankles in one hand, lifted my bottom clear of the tabletop and placed the nappy beneath me and pinned it on to me. There were some 14 thicknesses of Terry toweling between my legs and I had no choice but keep the apart as would a tiny baby. She then took a pair of translucent pink plastic panties from the drawer under the table top and gently eased them up my legs. Again she took my ankles in one hand, lifted me so she could slide the panties over my nappies. When she had them in place I could feel the crotch of the panties half way down my thigh and knew it made me look like a new born baby.

Once Cherie had finished with my nappy and panties she then placed some woolly bootees on my feet tying a ribbon bow around my ankles. I was then unstrapped from the table and sat upright whereupon a babies vest was pulled over my head and two little buttons at the back near the neck were done up. This was followed by a white knitted babies Matinee coat. The final two items were a knitted bonnet and a dummy teat which Cherie advised me to keep in all the time to stop me making ‘grown-up’ talk. This whole procedure took just over one hour when Cherie picked me up, picking up a pair of woolen mittens too and started to carry me out of the nursery.

Disclaimer: I found this on the internet and do not claim any rights.

If you want to visit the nursery contact us and we will give you more information.

Our clothes are custom made on reciving full payment.


Comments (10)

David Lawrence
David Lawrence
Feb 07, 2024

So wish I could afford to visit & have fun w/ everyone too

Jun 27, 2023

comme vous j'aime me faire laver les fesses et le zizi pommadé et poudré mettre une couche en tissus et une culotte plastique a pression

Eugene Chua
Eugene Chua
Jun 16, 2023

can the session be hosted at my service apartment

Feb 24, 2023

J'aimerai me faire langer par une maman laver les fesse poudrer et mettre une couche en tissus et une culotte en plastique a pressions bisous a toutes la famille ABDL

Replying to

Come to the nursery and you can have this experience.

Phillip Arnott
Phillip Arnott
Dec 23, 2022

cant wait to come in february

Replying to

Thank you Phillip it was really nice having you at the nursery. We have taken on board some of your ideas. The nannies and mummy enjoyed your stay.

Dec 14, 2022

I have a craving,urge to be humiliated in public. Dressed in the sillyest frillyest,little gurl adult baby clothes. This will be a huge challenge for me,but a drug that i craveand need. I am sure that it will be a challenge for Nanny too,for which i am willing to pay, But i am not rich so i'l start saving my money

Dec 13, 2022

I am a female adult baby girl and I am still looking for mommy for a daddy, uncle or educator who will be loving, but also very strict if necessary, who will take care of me and take care of me, i.e. put my pacifier and bottle in thick diapers, give me my bedtime , speak possibly in the cot, fixed me when changing the diaper if necessary to smear my pussy better thick with Penaten cream …. And and and , would you be interested ?

Nov 10, 2022

Wow I will save my money

to go and be your sissy baby

in clothe and plastic panties!

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